Blog Contest sponsored by

True Stories about how fashion has made a difference in our lives.

"If Our Clothes Could Talk" stories celebrate the diversity of people's experiences in wearing, designing and connecting with life through clothing. Submit your photos with a poem or story (150 words or less) of your favorite outfit from The Wardrobe. Tell us why you loved wearing it and you could win a $50 gift card and be featured on our blog! Click here to send us your photos along with your story!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holiday Open House!

In conjunction with downtown Davis' "Share the Joy" The Wardrobe is proud to present a "Made in Davis Holiday Open House" on Thursday, December 10th, from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.  Meet some of Davis' most talented designers as they showcase some of their accessories at 20% OFF. Check out one-of-a-kind knit hats by Norma Rice, Wrap Me Up scarves by Marcia Munich and sparkly rock art earrings by Mary Tracy. Also, choose from locally made journals by Freights. Celebrate the season in style and take care of your holiday shopping locally.

Come check us out!

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