Blog Contest sponsored by

True Stories about how fashion has made a difference in our lives.

"If Our Clothes Could Talk" stories celebrate the diversity of people's experiences in wearing, designing and connecting with life through clothing. Submit your photos with a poem or story (150 words or less) of your favorite outfit from The Wardrobe. Tell us why you loved wearing it and you could win a $50 gift card and be featured on our blog! Click here to send us your photos along with your story!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Don't forget our Blog Contest!

It's Spring and we've got a ton of events lined up!  Don't forget about our blog contest that's currently running.  There are 45 days left to get your stories in! 

How has a dress, a pair of shoes, or a jacket,  shaped or added magic to your life? Our goal is to find out how fashion has added more fun or made a difference in your life. 

Share a story and express yourself in 1000 words or less.
 Submit your short story between  November 15th and May 15th, 2010.
Include an interpreted image of the item in a photo or sketch, if possible.
Please submit your story under one of the following themes:

  • Special Occasion Wear
  • Wedding Dress
  • Everyday Dress
  • Shoes
  • Accessories (hats, scarves, purses, etc.)
  • T-shirt
  • Jeans
  • Bathing Suit
  • Suit
  • Jacket/Sweater
  • Jewelry
  • Costumes
  • Other
    To Submit your story, please e-mail it to along with the image.
    The winning stories will be shared here on our blog, If Our Clothes Could Talk. Prize is (1) $500 giftcard to The Wardrobe or (1) $500 scholarship.  Winners will be announced at a special event in Spring, 2010.

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